每位家長都期待子女能健康成長、品學兼優,將來可以自立並造福社會。我們也不例外。 為了培養孩子,我們可謂煞費苦心。我們帶孩子參觀了很多博物館,給他買書,鼓勵他閱讀不同行業的人物自傳,讓他動手修理家裡戶內外的用物,督促他學習樂器,找機會讓他參加各種課外活動,包括登山、越野跑...
Shen Yun has been in the news recently, and we feel a lot of the coverage paints a highly distorted picture of the company. As current and former artists, we simply do not recognize this dark portrayal of Shen Yun. Therefore, we created this page to offer some important resources, our responses, as well as comments and reports from third parties that we feel will demonstrate what these news articles got wrong, and what Shen Yun is really about.