A Dancer’s Take on Body Image and Criticism

1. Misconceptions about having proper physique
There are many misconceptions about dancers and losing weight or staying fit. Some people think their coaches and teachers are being too harsh on them, constantly reminding them that they need to lose a few pounds. Many people feel sad about this or even think it’s unfair. I'd like to share my personal experience. Both my brother and I have walked this path of losing weight and we understand that it can be especially hard to control that sweet tooth or occasional craving. But the truth is, a career in the arts comes with certain requirements. It is part of a dancer’s discipline to maintain a good figure in order to give an optimal performance on stage.
All professional athletes, gymnasts, dancers, and even people with careers like modeling have a standard for physique. I've heard stories and seen documentaries that show the hardcore training and diets that artists and athletes must go through. If these people are passionate about what they are doing, they will understand and learn to overcome the hardships along the way.
This kind of lifestyle isn’t for everyone, since people are born with different qualities and interests. However, I believe that no matter which profession or career you choose, there will always be standards to reach and sacrifices that come along with it.
Some people have a natural talent for music. If they choose to pursue this field, they will have to spend a lot of time practicing to develop strong technique and build stamina. Some people might have an interest in learning languages, so they may have to invest energy in memorization. Everyone has different interests and different fortes. Striving for excellence in one’s own field requires sacrifice. It's true, sometimes it's easy to feel hopeless or feel that these sacrifices are too hard. Personally, rather than viewing sacrifices as a price I must pay, I try to cherish them as chances to build willpower and discipline.
Now when my teacher tells me to watch my diet, I feel grateful that they want me to be better, and I am happy for the reminder that I can improve myself further as a disciplined artist.
For my brother and I, as well as all the like-minded artists here at Fei Tian and Shen Yun, we chose this path. We want to dance and perform for audiences around the world. We want to revive traditional culture and share our beautiful stories with everyone. We are willing to make the effort and aren't afraid of challenges because we know: it’s all part of the journey. We don't see hardships or matters like losing weight as a burden because we know it’s part of our responsibility as stage performers. When we carry a positive outlook, no tribulation in life can deter us.

2. Personal thoughts about the impact of criticism
Over the years, I've learned that criticizing and complaining can only bring harm. I used to always complain about my brother and how he had so many faults and was always getting me in trouble. For example, when we were little, he was always too scared to go on roller coasters with me. I'd get mad and start to mock him and call him names. In the end, the results were always terrible. He would start crying, I would feel guilty, and we’d lose all that precious roller coaster time. Of course, this doesn't happen anymore since we’ve both grown up. But I can't help but think, what if I didn't act like that back then? What if instead of insulting him, I tried to understand that he had a different idea of fun? We could have avoided a lot of unnecessary arguments, tears, and regrets.
That being said, I’ve come to realize that I’ve learned so much from these kinds of experiences. Even though this was a childish example, the takeaway was very meaningful for me: Complain less, accept more. Try to refrain from harsh words and learn to be more understanding. Life will be better for everyone.
My personal experiences have shown me that complaints and criticism affect and hurt not only the people who see it, but also the people who spread it. This kind of negative energy can make people feel even more anger, hatred, and will lead to unnecessary emotional breakdowns. Why create this kind of social disruption? It’s better to be more understanding of others and respect that there are all kinds of people in this world with different beliefs and faiths.
I believe what I’m doing is right, and I’m not trying to hurt anyone. Through performing with Shen Yun, my goal is to spread kindness and compassion as well as traditional moral values that have been lost.
Many of my peers abide by "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance." We follow these guiding principles in our everyday lives as we constantly strive to be good people. We can be broadminded and pretend not to see or hear the hurtful rumors about us. But when I see that my faith is being slandered or defamed, I feel the need to stand up and speak out for what I think is right and to let people know the truth. People can have different opinions or preferences, but there is never a need to attack or spread hatred. This will only bring more harm and create a world where no one feels safe anymore.
Let's all let go of the things that make us feel anger or discontent. When we can accept people for their own faiths and beliefs, a harmonious and peaceful world can be created for everyone.